Official Online Store Terms of Use

The Nu Official Online Store Terms of Use" (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") established by To Tomorrow Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") stipulates the terms and conditions for use of the service (hereinafter referred to as "this service") operated by our company under the name "Nu Official Online Store" between our company and customers (hereinafter referred to as "customers") who use this service.

You must comply with these Terms and Conditions when using the Service.

Article 1 Agreement

  1. By using the Service, you agree to these Terms and Conditions (including any terms and conditions related to these Terms and Conditions, such as the Privacy Policy; the same applies below), and by commencing use of the Service, you are deemed to have agreed to these Terms and Conditions.
  2. If you are a minor, you must obtain the consent of your parent or other legal guardian to these Terms and Conditions before using the Service, and by starting to use the Service, you will be deemed to have obtained the consent of your parent or other legal guardian.
  3. Even if any part of these Terms and Conditions is deemed invalid by law or other reasons, the other provisions shall remain valid, and your consent to the surviving provisions shall remain valid.
  4. The Company reserves the right to change these Terms at any time as necessary. If you continue to use the Service after these Terms have been changed, you will be deemed to have agreed to the changes.

Article 2 Use of the Service

  1. When using this service, the customer must enter or register the required information. The information entered or registered must be correct and there must be no errors, and the Company shall not be liable for any damage or disadvantage suffered by the customer due to errors in the information. If the Company determines that any of the following applies, the Company may suspend the use of all or part of this service, cancel the sales contract, or take other necessary measures without prior notice to the customer.
    (1) If there is an error in the information you entered and we are unable to contact you
    (2) If the person is a member of an anti-social group such as an organized crime group, or has a close relationship with such a group
    (3) If the company is unable to pay, is insolvent, has excessive debts, is insolvent, has filed for bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation, corporate reorganization, special liquidation or other insolvency proceedings, has resolved to dissolve, or is otherwise suspended
    (4) If you have previously violated these Terms and Conditions and been suspended from using the Service
    (5) If the person does not have the capacity to perform legal acts validly
    (6) If a payment service provider or other entity requests that you suspend your use of the Service
    (7) If a payment service provider or other entity suspends the use of the payment or collection agency services.
  2. When using this service, you must prepare the necessary communication environment and terminal equipment at your own responsibility and expense, and we will not be liable for any matters arising from these.
  3. Customers shall use this Service at their own discretion, responsibility and expense.
  4. When using this service, no other service fees such as product prices, consumption tax, delivery fees, fees for payment methods, etc. will be charged. However, if there are provisions on the details page of individual products, etc., you will be required to follow those provisions.
  5. If the Company determines that a customer is a member of an antisocial force such as an organized crime group, has close ties with such a group, or is otherwise equivalent to such a group, the Company may suspend the customer's use of the Service without prior notice to the customer. Furthermore, the Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the customer as a result of such suspension.
  6. We reserve the right to terminate or change all or part of the Service at any time at our discretion.
  7. In the event of force majeure such as natural disasters or other circumstances that the Company deems necessary, the Company may suspend provision of all or part of the Service by notifying the Customer in advance. However, in the event of an emergency, the Company may omit to notify the Customer in advance.
  8. You acknowledge that the payment service provider may suspend or cancel the provision of all or part of the Service due to system failure, force majeure such as natural disasters, or other reasons that it deems necessary.
  9. We shall not be liable for any damage or disadvantage suffered by you as a result of the preceding three paragraphs.

Article 3 Purchase and payment of goods, etc.

  1. When a customer applies to purchase a product, etc., it is received by our server via the Internet line, and the contents of the application are recorded in our system. The sales contract is considered to be established when we send a notice of acceptance in a manner specified by our company. Furthermore, our company shall not be liable for any damage or disadvantage suffered by the customer due to the contents of the application not being recorded in our system.
  2. The period for regular purchases shall be specified on the individual product page, and a purchase contract for the selected period from the date of application shall be established upon application. Unless otherwise specified on the individual product page, the specified product will be purchased and sold once a month during the period. The total amount of the purchase price, etc. during the selected period shall be separately specified on the application confirmation page.
  3. Once a sales contract has been concluded, a customer cannot cancel or terminate a purchase of a product, etc. However, for purchases from the second month onwards in the case of regular purchases, the customer may change the content or cancel the purchase midway at any time by applying through the member information page up until the day before the shipping date, which is separately stated on each individual product page, etc.
  4. After the sales contract is concluded, the customer shall pay the price of the product, etc. by the due date in accordance with the method separately specified by our company. If the price of the product, etc. is not paid by the due date, our company may cancel the sales contract. For regular purchases, payment will be confirmed on the shipping date, and payment will be processed separately in accordance with the regulations of the credit company, etc.
  5. Ownership of the products purchased by the customer will be transferred to the customer at the time of delivery of the products. Except for matters separately provided for in these Terms and Conditions, the Company shall not be liable for any events that occur after ownership has been transferred.

Article 4 Delivery, Returns and Refunds

  1. We will use a delivery company affiliated with us to deliver the Products to the address in Japan entered by the customer using the specified method. Delivery matters will be subject to the conditions separately set by the delivery company. For regular purchases, the Products will be shipped on the shipping date separately stated on the individual product page.
  2. In principle, shipping costs shall be borne by the customer, except where otherwise specified on an individual product page.
  3. If a customer wishes to return a product, this can only be done if the product is defective or if a product different from the one ordered is delivered. Please note that returns cannot be made in the following cases. In addition, if there are other conditions specified on the product details page, those conditions shall apply.
    (1) If seven days have passed since the arrival of the product
    (2) If the product, tag, or packaging is lost, damaged, or defaced
    (3) If the Company determines that the product was purchased with the intention of returning it

Article 5 Prohibited Acts

  1. The Company prohibits Customers from engaging in the following acts (hereinafter referred to as "Prohibited Acts") when using the Service.
    (1) Any act violating these Terms, laws, regulations, etc.
    (2) False registration, lending your account to a third party, or using a third party's account
    (3) Purchasing goods, etc. for the purpose of reselling them for a profit
    (4) Any act that harms the public order or good morals.
    (5) Any act that infringes the rights of a third party, libels or slanders the Company or a third party, or damages the reputation or credibility of the Company, or otherwise interferes with the business of the Company
    (6) Using the Service for advertising or promotional purposes
    (7) Making an offer without the intention of making a transaction, or purchasing goods without the documents necessary to pay for the goods
    (8) Spreading rumors, using fraudulent means or using force, making unreasonable demands beyond legal responsibility, or using violent or threatening words or actions
    (9) Any act that disrupts our servers or network systems
  2. If the Company determines that the Customer has engaged in any of the prohibited acts set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Company may suspend the Customer's use of the Service without prior notice to the Customer (including terminating the purchase contract, canceling the application, and taking other measures that the Company deems necessary). In this case, the Company shall not be liable for any damage or disadvantage incurred by the Customer.

Article 6 Handling of Information

  1. We will handle your personal information regarding the use of this service appropriately in accordance with our privacy policy.
  2. We may disclose your registration information, transaction history, and other information necessary for the investigation or criminal investigation of any fraudulent use of the Service to payment service providers, collection agents, victims of fraudulent use, and investigative agencies as necessary.

Article 7 Disclaimer

  1. The Company makes no express or implied warranty as to the Service's factual or legal defects, safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, validity, suitability for a particular purpose, security or other defects, errors or bugs, or infringement of rights, or as to the quality, functionality, or compatibility with other products.
  2. Even if our exemption from liability is limited due to the application of the Consumer Contract Act, damages incurred by the customer due to reasons attributable to our company shall be limited to the lesser of the price of the products, etc. or 10,000 yen.

Article 8 Means of Contact

  1. If the Company determines that it is necessary to notify or contact you, the Company will do so in a manner that the Company deems appropriate. You agree that the Company may use your registration information to notify or contact you.
  2. For inquiries regarding this service, please contact us here.

Article 9 Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  1. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Japanese law.
  2. In the event of a dispute between us and you, the Fukuoka Summary Court or the Fukuoka District Court shall be the court of first instance with exclusive jurisdiction, depending on the amount of the claim.

that's all

Revised on June 1, 2024