About Water-repellent treatment service for all items

At Nu, we want you to be able to wear your clothes for as long as possible, so we apply a water-repellent coating to all of our products free of charge.

What is water-repellent processing?

Water-repellent processing is a process that makes clothing more likely to repel water.
This process has the advantage that clothing is less likely to get dirty and the fabric is less likely to be damaged.

Duration of water repellency

The duration of the water-repellent effect varies depending on the type of clothing and how often it is worn.

・Outerwear and clothing that is not worn regularly : up to 1 year
・Clothing that is worn every day : about 1 to 2 months

We hope that by applying the water-repellent treatment, our customers will be able to keep their clothes in good condition for a long time and enjoy fashion even more.